Dealing with Post Viral Fatigue and MCS During Pregnancy

Dealing with Post Viral Fatigue and MCS During Pregnancy

Post Viral Fatigue and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are two different conditions that can happen at once. These are common conditions that a pregnant woman can go through. Post viral fatigue is the tiredness that your body goes through after recovering from a viral infection. On the other hand, multiple chemical sensitivity is the sensitivity to the odor in your near environment due to chemicals. Your nose can be sensitive to any chemical smells including perfumes, gas, petrol, etc. 

What are these two conditions and how do they occur during pregnancy? We will discuss both of them separately within this blog. 

Post Viral Fatigue

Physical exhaustion is a possible side effect of a viral disease. Anecdotal research reveals that some individuals are feeling tired during the recovery period if they had or think they had Covid19 because of some of the symptoms.

Any sickness, but particularly a virus, may leave you feeling worn out. In most cases, this will only last a short time until your health and functioning abilities return to normal. It may take several months for some people to recover completely. The longer this goes on, the more you need to seek help and counsel in order to recover.

Discuss this with your doctor, as there may be other causes of post viral fatigue that need to be addressed.


You may find that you need more sleep, feel weary despite having lower levels of activity, are unstable on your feet, and are unable to stand for lengthy periods of time or do things you could previously perform with ease. After feeling energized for a few minutes, many report feeling fully depleted after just a few minutes of activity.

We’ve included some suggestions and ideas that may be helpful to you in dealing with these symptoms.

Pregnant women with post-viral fatigue syndrome should be aware of these symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of ME/CFS is exhaustion, which is often accompanied by a marked decrease in one’s capacity to carry out everyday tasks. Merely going to the store or taking a shower might leave someone with ME/CFS bedridden or unable to do anything else for hours. Constant exhaustion is only one of the many symptoms of post-viral fatigue syndrome.

  1. A “crash” or “relapse” following physical or mental effort is known as post-exertional malaise (PEM).
  1. When you stand or sit up, your symptoms become worse, and this might be accompanied by lightheadedness or eyesight abnormalities. Orthostatic intolerance
  1. Memory lapses and brain fog are among the symptoms of cognitive dysfunction.
  1. Unrefreshed after a full night’s sleep due to issues with falling asleep or staying asleep.
  1. Muscle, joint, and headache pains.  

You may experience all of them for a short period of time, or they may recur for months or years. Diagnosing post-viral fatigue is difficult since there are no tests (and other conditions might produce similar symptoms). Currently, there is no specified post-viral fatigue treatment for..

Energy Conservation

Our bodies naturally want to rest when we’re worn out, but oversleeping may lead to changes in your muscles that make it more difficult to perform anything.

When muscles aren’t used, they get more fatigued and uncomfortable even after a short amount of exertion. This may help you prevent strain, which increases the likelihood of your muscles becoming fatigued and inflamed as a result of repeated usage. As a result of this self-defeating cycle, your body loses its resistance to stress.

Because of this, we recommend a careful balancing act of rest and exercise for quick post-viral fatigue treatment.

From day to day and hour to hour, your energy requirements may vary. Don’t try to accomplish too much all at once; this might lead to a “boom and bust” effect. When you push yourself too hard and get exhausted, you’ve overexerted yourself.

Any work may be broken down into smaller steps and relaxation breaks should be planned in between. Small and frequent actions are preferable. Grading, pace, and goal setting are often used to help manage symptoms.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) are known to emerge with low-level exposure to chemicals. It has been proposed that MCS is caused by allergies, toxic consequences, and neurobiological hypersensitivity. A link between any of these putative causes and symptoms cannot be established scientifically due to a lack of data.

Patients with MCS are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders than the general population, although it’s not apparent if this is a result of MCS itself or just a correlation. Those suffering from this debilitating ailment should be treated with compassion and care while avoiding unnecessary, costly, and sometimes hazardous testing and treatments. Doctor-patient relationships are the main priority of management. They are able to best assist the patient in his or her attempts at returning to employment and social life of his or her own.


Asthma occurs from pollutants like pollution and cigarette smoke, but there is little doubt about the harmful effects of excessive doses of certain substances. It’s not understood how exposure to extremely low quantities of chemicals affects humans.

Some experts believe multiple chemical sensitivity is a form of an allergic reaction. According to some theories, the symptoms are caused by a hypersensitivity to certain odors or chemicals in one’s environment. Scientific evidence also suggests that mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can aggravate the symptoms of MCSl. Meaning, there is still no defined singular cause of multiple chemical sensitivity and therefore no singular treatment


Symptoms of MCS syndrome may be so severe that they interfere with everyday life and employment. After a substantial exposure, people commonly claim that they had no symptoms before the subsequent aggravation of their symptoms in reaction to earlier experienced low-level exposures. The condition has been linked to a wide variety of symptoms, but the most common ones are those that affect the central nervous system, the respiratory system, or the gastrointestinal system.

There are a number of common side effects, including drowsiness and difficulties focusing, as well as memory loss, weakness, dizziness, and headaches. As a rule, patients with multiple chemical sensitivity come in with a strong conviction that their symptoms are the consequence of exposure to chemicals. A broad range of common environmental factors may trigger symptoms. When it comes to pesticide poisoning, patients tend to suffer from more severe symptoms than when they are exposed to other forms of chemicals.

Summing Up

If you have any of the symptoms of these two conditions during pregnancy, it is advised to take quick action. You can consult your physician to get the right Multiple chemical sensitivity treatment and advice. Make sure that you do not ignore the symptoms for a long time as they can negatively affect your pregnancy.

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